Indian Facebook Groups for New Parents
Here are some popular Facebook groups in India that cater to new parents. These supportive community for Indian Parents help to share experiences, ask questions, and seek advice on various aspects of parenting.
Sleep Related Guidance:
Gentle Baby Sleep India is a support group for parents aimed at fostering gentle, no-cry methods to inculcate healthy sleep habits in babies and toddlers.
You can ask any questions related to Baby and Toddler Sleep.
Breastfeeding Related Guidance
Breastfeeding Support for Indian Mothers group is primarily for breastfeeding and expectant parents. They also include their support system (irrespective of gender). You can all your breastfeeding related queries solved with the previous posts in the group.
Introducing Solids Guidance
Traditional Weaning is weaning (introducing solids) with thick purees, porridges or mashed and solids, when baby meets all the criteria of readiness for solids, and gradually moving to family food by around 12 months.
This group handholds new parents in this beautiful journey.
These Facebook groups can be valuable sources of support, advice, and developing friendship for new parents navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood in India.
We recommend you to join this group for easy parenting journey!!
[ new parents, facebook groups, parenting tips, breastfeeding doubts, baby sleeping problems ]